Stosstruppen hitler biography

Hitler in 1924

Stormtroopers (German: Sturmtruppen or Stoßtruppen) were the only elite shock troops of the Imperial German Army (Deutsches Heer) that specialized in commando style raids, infiltrating the trenches and wiping out the enemy quickly, maneuver warfare, reconnaissance, and shock tactics.

stosstruppen hitler biography

Stoßtrupp pronunciation

Stormtroopers (in German Sturmtruppen; the term "thrust troops", Stoßtruppen was also used) were specialist soldiers of the German Army in World War I. In the last years of the war, .

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caught the soldiers’ imagination and, regardless of their unit’s actual title, the men of these first assault detachments began to refer to themselves as Stosstruppen.

Stoßtrupp-Hitler or Stosstrupp-Hitler ("Shock-Troop-Hitler") was a small, short-lived bodyguard unit set up specifically for Adolf Hitler in [2] Notable members included Rudolf Hess, Missing: biography.